Morse Code Training


All about Morse Code

The Original Digital

There are thousands of Morse Code resources online but here I'm bringing together resources for the absolute beginner, to get you started.
Morse code is a language and to learn a new language you will need to learn the basics and practice.
Chill out for a few minutes and watch some old U.S. Military [army and navy] videos. Why? because they teach the correct principles and techniques. When Morse Code was used by the military, lives were at stake, it wasn't just a fun hobby as we play with today. Their techniques and practice skills needed to be the best, and it holds true today for us today... so grab a coffee and sit back and enjoy these old vids.


Now you understand the basics of the rhythm, your posture, the preferred timing of your sending it's time for you to learn the characters. It's almost a case of close your eyes and listen, to just a couple of characters at first, then gradually add more as you go along.
The best training software is NOT a mobile phone app... where you type in what you hear. You need a laptop or PC and should download the software called JustLearnMorseCode [written by Sigurd Stenersen LB3KB].

Set up Just Learn Morse Code software

Before you begin running the software with 26 letters, all the numbers and punctuation... grab another cup of coffee and let's set up the software... to beginner level. You have the rest of your life to speed-up and be a worlds-best operator.

This page is still under construction, please check back soon

Personal Projects

Never stop learning, sharing knowledge or travelling

Each of these images will link to a dedicated webage where I share my Amateur Radio projects or travel pages.

ENVIS Dipole


Emergency HF antenna for 40 & 80mtrs



Building portable emergency cases



Find specifications & technical data

NextG Yagi


850MHz NextG Yagi project

Digital TV Antenna


Facts about improving Digital TV

To New Zealand


Driving both islands in search of beer

Time Travel in Wales


Enjoying Wales & remembering the past

Scotland & city of York


Coast and Highlands travelling in 2022

Then to the USA


In search of good craft beers

Learning to make Cheese


Yumbo, delicious homemade cheese

Next up......................


To be sure..

Contact Me

Please email me if I can assist with information about my projects (or if you notice a broken link).
